What Do You Need For Shiny Hair:

What Do You Need For Shiny Hair:

So what do you need for shiny hair:

1. Warmth – make massage after every washing.
2. Deep cleaning – the procedure is repeated once a month before dying.
3. Lightness – do not overuse fixing agents. It is enough to use gel for the ends and hair spray or foam. Use strong sprays only for very important occasions. Remember to wash away these means from your hair in the evening.
4. Masks – once a week nourish your hair with masks prepared by you at home or ready and bought from a shop.
5. Rinsing – brown and red hair should be rinsed with water with a few spoons of apple vinegar added. Vinegar has impressive softening effect. The blonds can rinse their hair with decoction of chamomile.

What Do You Need For Shiny Hair: What Do You Need For Shiny Hair: Reviewed by adlina on March 16, 2014 Rating: 5

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