PaperTab is the brainchild of Queen's University's Human Media Lab, Plastic Logic and Intel Labs. It's a flexible "high-resolution 10.7-inch" touchscreen display (no details on resolution) and is powered by an Intel Core i5 processor (not shown in any photos). As we already alluded to earlier, the PaperTab is a new spin on working with multiple documents. The key difference between the PaperTab and an iPad is that each display is essentially one app. By limiting a single app to each PaperTab, users can do things like share PDFs just by tapping two tablets together, fast-forward during a video by bending the display, and opening emails by touching two displays together. Multiple PaperTabs can also be combined to create expanded displays and drag-and-drop functionality between tablets. PaperTabs are also proximity-smart. According to Human Media Lab's website, each PaperTab knows its location relative to other PaperTabs. If a PaperTab is held, it will display a fullscreen app window. If it's placed on a table, but still within reach of the user, it'll show a thumbnail of a document. And if the PaperTab is placed outside of reaching distance, it'll only display icons. The "tablet" isn't quite wireless yet, as it looks to require power from a computer that is presumably under the desk. However, as we move towards a future of "natural computing," the PaperTab could be a concept technology that'll finally the old timers to finally join the digital revolution.
Reviewed by adlina
May 04, 2013

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